News has come via an Animation Guild e-mail that the last living Looney Tunes director, Norm McCabe, has passed away:

Animator and director NORM McCABE passed away on January 17, a month shy of
what would have been his ninety-fifth birthday.
From 1934 until 1999 he worked for Schlesinger, Warner Bros., U. S. Army Air
Corps Training Film Unit, MGM, Swift Productions, Five Star Productions,
Telemation, Pacific Title, Hanna-Barbera, Filmation, DePatie-Freleng,
Ruby-Spears, Filmfair, Marvel and Universal. In 1995 he received the
Animation Guild Golden Award.
Services will be held on Tuesday, January 24 at 10 am at the Shadow Hills
Presbyterian Church, 10158 Johanna Ave. in Sunland.
I haven't found an obituary to link to yet.
The title cards were grabbed from here.