Labor Day became a national holiday in 1887, just four years after
Life began, I couldn't find any cartoons that refer to the holiday specifically. But these drawings (and two text pieces) from the teens into the twenties all comment on labor (or capital) and run the gamut from being fairly supportive of labor (in one case mawkishly so) to being kinda freaked out by it.
Art Young, April 27, 1911
Warren Rockwell, April 27, 1911
Herbert Johnson, April 27, 1911
April 27, 1911
Ben Cohen, February 29, 1912
John Conacher, April 27, 1911
Herbert Johnson, April 27, 1911
uncertain, April 27, 1911
February 29, 1912
B.H. Sanders, April 27, 1911
Art Young, April 27, 1911
W. O. Wilson, October 1, 1914
Paul C. Stahr, December 14, 1916
Ellison Hoover, December 14, 1916
W. O. Wilson, November 25, 1920
F. M. Follett, January 8, 1920
Paul Reilly, January 29, 1920
Al Merrick, March 8, 1917
undecipherable signature guy, February 12, 1920
T. S. Sullivant, May 6, 1920
F. T. Richards, May 6, 1920
Louis Raemaekers, June 17, 1920
Paul Reilly, March 4, 1920
F. T. Richards, October 21, 1920
Angus MacDonall, October 21, 1920
Farr, March 13, 1924
G. B. Inwood, March 13, 1924
Garrett Price, February 9, 1928